RARE’s Inspiring Women
Read about the inspiring women who are a part of Airdrie’s cannabis industry.
If you have been to RARE, you have undoubtedly met the smart, determined and straight-up passionate females that help make this so company special.
On this International Women’s Day, we would like to take a second to highlight these intelligent and vibrant women.
Here is what we asked each of them:
- Why did you choose to work in the cannabis industry?
- What inspires you in life?
Truly a RARE OG, Crystal has been a fierce part of the team since we opened our doors in 2019. She’s been a medical & recreational cannabis consumer and lover for many years. “When cannabis became legal, I knew it was my chance to get into an industry where I was able to share my passion and knowledge with like minded people.”
When it comes to what inspires her in life, Crystal keeps it simple, “my two daughters are what inspire me in life, every single thing I do, I do for them.”
What we love about Crystal: Besides providing us with an endless stream of comedy gold, Crystal is a beacon of serious cannabis knowledge (which she is always building upon). She is dedicated to her craft and ensuring your visit to RARE meets the highest of expectations.
Tiffany joined RARE in October 2019 and has been a wonderful addition to our incredible team. Tiffany joined the cannabis industry because she simply loves weed. “l also thought it would be a chill environment to work in which I desperately needed! Now being at RARE, it is so much more than that. I love my co-workers and the friendships with customers I’ve gained! Learning about cannabis is one the best jobs I could have asked for!”
What inspires Tiffany: “Just being the best me I can be! I look forward to new adventures and pushing myself mentally and physically.”
What we love about Tiffany: Outgoing, friendly, and inquisitive; Tiffany is always down to help her fellow team members whenever she can. Not only is Tiffany canna-intelligent and a team-player, but she can also roll some serious cannons.
Joining our team in the Summer of 2020, Stacey is a gentle yet feisty soul that we just can’t get enough of! When it comes to cannabis, Stacey feels as though it chose her. “Cannabis came into my life more consistently in 2014, and I was especially intrigued by the way my partner (at the time) and I responded so differently to the plant. This triggered my curiosity into how the plant works in the body and more specifically in the female body. In 2019 I decided it was time for a life change; closed my business back in NS and moved to Alberta. This presented a unique opportunity to work within the legal recreational market; it took me about a year to settle here and during that time I frequented RARE for my personal Cannabis use. Experiencing firsthand their beliefs, focus on terpenes and education, plus their mood-based categories inspired me and made me want to be a part of their team, and gratefully here I am! With intentions to help end the stigma around Cannabis plus learn and educate others on all the new and innovative ways to consume and connect with this sacred plant.”
What inspires Stacey: “Healing. My innate ability, along with everyone’s ability to heal, overcome and transform their lives through intention and the many medicines offered by Mother Earth. Learning and choosing to believe in this is helping me heal and become my most authentic self I have ever experienced, and I am forever grateful for it.”
What we love about Stacey: Stacey has this amazing calm and welcoming aurora about her. She is a great listener and a huge team player. We adore Stacey’s aptitude and dedication to learning and growing in this industry!
One of the newest additions to RARE, Josie is super nice, friendly, and very smart! Balancing work and university, Josie chose to work with cannabis because there is so much to learn. “Every day I learn something new. It’s a nonstop evolving industry which makes it extremely interesting.”
What inspires Josie you ask: “I’m inspired by women who support other women. I love to be around people who are kind and compassionate to others. Which inspires me to build up other women and be kind and compassionate as well.”
What we love about Josie: So kind and friendly, you just can’t help but crack a smile in her presence. We really love Josie’s curiosity to learn and explore this new and exciting industry!
The women who call RARE their canna-tribe are important to us, and we are honoured and grateful that we get to share this journey with them.
Buy your weed from women.
According to our brilliant team, the women of RARE are: